Outside Maintenance Insect Treatment. This is the best preventative treatment you can give your home to protect it from all those little buggers that try crawling in from the outside (best solution for ants, stink bugs, lady bugs, beetles - pretty much anything that crawls on your house looking for a way inside!). See note below about spiders and bees.
Your home is treated all the way around the outside from top-to-bottom and it lasts for two whole months! You can have it done one time, two times, or sign up for the season and get all three treatments (normally May, July, and Sept) without having to remember to call us. We'll automatically come to you!
No more getting stuck at home! As long as we have access to your yard, you don't have to be home when we come for treatment. Just pick up the service ticket from your front door when you get home and drop us a check in the mail or call the office to use a credit card. It doesn't get any easier than that to keep your home safe!
Pricing depends on the size of your home so feel free to call for a free estimate!
Please note about spiders: Spiders are classified as an arachnid rather than an insect so insecticides aren't as powerful as they are against other bugs. Some spiders, like Daddy-Long-Legs can walk right over the chemical and hardly be affected. Others that have short legs and thicker bodies (the scarier looking ones!) touch the chemical more and breathe it in so are much more affected. So please be aware, if spiders are your concern, that the OMIT treatment is 50/50 depending on the type of spider.
Please note about bees: Flying insects that land on the house and walk on it will be affected by the chemical. However, they won't be affected if they're just flying around the house. Also, carpenter bees are very tough and bore straight into the house, making a hole, so touch so little of the chemical that they don't die. Never fear, however! We can definitely treat for them but it requires a different approach and chemical. Simply call to arrange treatment!
*** Michigan & Indiana: (574) 229-1716 ***